Repak recycling awards promote and encourage excellence in packaging prevention and recycling
Re-useable packaging, compostable, flexible food packaging, zero waste to landfill, fixed packaging reduction targets and geo thermal heating systems are just some of the initiatives that have been commended in this year’s 6th Annual Repak Awards. This year was the first year that Repak awarded an Excellence award which was won by Tesco through “The Tesco Strategy” where they aim to be the first Irish retailer to reach 100% recycling of packaging and store waste by 2010 and to reduce strategy to reduce their own label packaging by 25% by 2010.
Other winners included Alcan Packaging Dublin Ltd for the Repak Best Practice Award and H.J. Heinz Co. who received the accolade for the Best Prevention Initiative Award. The awards took place in the Four Seasons Hotel in Dublin on Thursday night, the 4th October and were presented by Nationwide presenter Mary Kennedy.
Tesco Ireland were awarded Repak's newest honour, The Repak Excellence Award by virtue of their strong leadership in the protection of the environment through its strategy to minimise its carbon footprint and address crucial environmental concerns through recycling, packaging reduction and sustainable energy use. The Tesco environmental strategy, launched in 2007, sets a target of being the first Irish retailer to reach 100% recycling of packaging and store waste by 2010. The move will see more than 24,000 tonnes of waste recycled each year. The strategy also seeks to increase the recycability of their packaging which includes ideas like compostable packaging that would be available on a number of organic fresh products. Secondary cardboard and plastic packaging will be replaced by re-usable green crates. Tesco already have 250,000 re usable plastic crates in circulation each week preventing nearly 20 million cardboard boxes per annum. Packaging on own label brand products will be reduced by 25% by the target date of 2010. This initiative sets a benchmark for other retail chains and outlets and sends valuable messages to its consumers.
H.J. Heinz was presented with Best Prevention Initiative Award thanks to the launch of three Packaging Prevention Initiatives. Weights of plastic trays were reduced, corrugate cases were replaced with shrink-wrap and plastic drums were replaced with returnable containers. These initiatives resulted in savings of 67 tonnes of plastic and 42 tonnes of cardboard. By reducing this much waste the company is not only helping the environment but also making massive cost reductions.
Alcan Packaging Dublin, specialists in the printing of food flexible packaging took the Repak Best Practice Award. Alcan, through a continuous and measured process have examined all aspects of their production to ensure that no more packaging than necessary is used and that all packaging that can be recovered is segregated and sent for recycling. However, it is the development of a compostable flexible plastic food packaging for the breakfast cereal market that marked Alcan Packaging Dublin as leaders in best practice in packaging waste management.
Louth County Council was honoured as Repak Local Authority of the Year and Cork County Council was awarded Local initiative of the year for their Bandon Civic Amenity Site. O’ Reilly’s Centra Foodmarket, Bunclody, Co. Wexford managed to recycle 77% of its waste in 2006 reducing its waste management bill by 42% which made them worthy winners of the Best practice award in the independent retail sector.
The best practice accolade in the hospitality sector was presented to Fitzgerald’s Woodland House Hotel in Adare, Co. Limerick while Lakeland Dairies won Repak Member of the Year by reducing its landfill from 717 tonnes to 28 tonnes, a massive 97% reduction.
The small recovery operator of the year award went to Clean Ireland refuse and Recycling in County Clare while the large recovery operator of the year honour was handed to Panda Waste Services who are better know for their recent entry into the domestic Dublin waste market. Repak continued to acknowledge recycling among the youth by naming Aglish NS in Cappoquin, Co. Waterford Recycling School of the year. St. Catherine’s College Armagh won young recyclers of the year (junior section) for their project: “Green Christmas and Recycle Light.” The senior young recyclers of the year section was one by Scoil Mhuire, Athy, Co. Kildare for their project highlighting waste management entitled: “Help stop excess waste and make people aware of recycling facilities in our area.”
The 2007 results were:
1. Repak Member of the year Award - Sponsored by Arthur Cox
Winner: Lakeland Dairies
2. Repak Best Packaging Waste Prevention Initiative - Sponsored by the EPA
Winner: H.J. Heinz Co.
3. Repak Best Practice Award Large Company - Sponsored by the EPA
Winner: Alcan Packaging Dublin Ltd
4. Repak Best Practice Award Independent Retail Sector
Winner: O’Reillys Centra Foodmarket, Bunclody, Co. Wexford
5. Repak Best Practice Award Hospitality -Sponsored by REHAB
Winner: Fitzgerald’s Woodlands House Hotel – Adare, Co. Limerick
6. Repak Local Authority of the Year -Sponsored by REHAB
Winner: Louth County Council
7. Repak Local Authority Initiative of the Year -Sponsored by RPS
Winner: Cork County – Bandon Civic Amenity site.
8. Repak Recovery Operator of the Year Large Company - Sponsored by Bank of Ireland
Winner: Panda Waste Services, Dublin
9. Repak Recovery Operator of the Year Small/Medium Company - Sponsored by Tetra Pak
Winner: Clean Ireland Refuse and Recycling, Kilrush, Co. Clare
10. Repak, in Association with An Taisce, Recycling School of the Year
Winner: Aglish NS, Cappoquin, Co. Waterford
11. Repak Excellence Award
Winner: Tesco Ireland
12. Repak, in association with Eco Unesco, Young Recyclers of the year- junior
Winner: St. Catherine’s College, Armagh
13. Repak, in association with Eco Unesco, Young Recyclers of the year- Senior
Winner: Scoil Mhuire, Athy, Co. Kildare.